SPRINGFIELD – Because local governments deserve a bigger share of the state’s income tax revenue, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) introduced Senate Bill 3392, an initiative to relieve the burden of property taxes and shore up critical services and programs.
Originally introduced by State Rep. Anthony DeLuca, the plan increases state payments toward the Local Government Distributive Fund. When lawmakers increased the state income tax in 2011, they also reduced the amount of the LGDF for municipalities from 10% to 6%.
Read more: Joyce offers a bill that would restore state funds to local governments
SPRINGFIELD – After listening to Governor JB Pritzker’s second Budget Address, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) believes the governor is proposing smart investments to help working and middle class families succeed.
One of these investments is a $100 million increase in funding for the Child Care Assistance Program, which would help provide high quality care for an additional 140,000 children.
“Finding affordable child care can be the difference between success and poverty for young families,” Joyce said. “Expanding this program will help so many people establish their careers and get college degrees.”
Read more: Joyce: Continued investment in child care assistance supports Illinois economy
SPRINGFIELD – In an order to expand coverage of epinephrine – a life-saving medicine for people with allergies – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is co-sponsoring a measure to make it accessible to all.
“Money should not be a deciding factor for folks who direly need important medications,” Joyce said. “It’s simple. People who have serious allergies shouldn’t be put on the back burner because they can’t afford EpiPens.”
Senate Bill 2457 requires insurers to expand coverage for people who medically need EpiPens regardless of age.
UNIVERSITY PARK – After months of using bottled water and special filters, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) announced that Aqua Illinois will make it easier for University Park residents to access clean drinking water.
Sen. Joyce helped negotiate an agreement with Aqua Illinois, University Park’s water supplier, that focuses on supplying safe and clean drinking water to residents while the company resolves ongoing lead-contamination issues.
“We should be able to take safe, clean water for granted,” Joyce said. “The residents of University Park deserve affordable, convenient access to drinking water that isn’t contaminated with toxic lead.”
Read more: Joyce negotiates easier access to clean water for University Park
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