KANKAKEE – Kankakee County will receive more than $635,000 in construction funding over the next three years, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) announced.
“Transportation infrastructure is crucial to our community’s economic growth and quality of life,” Joyce said. “This funding from the Rebuild Illinois program will allow our community to address some much-needed infrastructure improvements throughout Kankakee County.”
Rebuild Illinois has allocated $1.5 billion in funding specifically for municipal- and county-level projects. Infrastructure investments improve safety, quality of life and the economy, which contributes to the revitalization of communities across the state.
“These vital infrastructure investments have a significant impact on the health and well-being of a community,” Joyce said. “This investment will ensure Kankakee County’s infrastructure remains in good shape.”
Projects are selected and managed locally in collaboration with the Illinois Department of Transportation, and may include road and bridge improvements, traffic signal upgrades, new storm sewers and bike paths, sidewalk replacements and other long-term maintenance needs.
A complete list of local agencies and awards can be viewed here.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) advanced a measure through the Senate Tourism and Hospitality Committee Thursday to prevent children’s lemonade stands from being shut down for not having a permit.
“This bill is inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was flagged by local officials and shut down,” Joyce said. “I introduced this legislation last year after hearing Hayli’s story from a concerned constituent. Unfortunately, the bill lost momentum due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are on track to pass Hayli’s Law this spring.”
Under this bill, the Illinois Department of Public Health, a local health department or public health district may not regulate the sale of lemonade or non-alcoholic drinks or mixed beverages by a person under the age of 16 years. This bill would also prevent authorities from requiring a permit for children to sell lemonade on private properties or in a public park.
Senate Bill 119 cleared committee 7-0.
February 21-27 is Grain Bin Safety Week
KANKAKEE – Senate Agriculture Chairman Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is joining the Illinois Department of Agriculture in reminding farmers and farm workers to be cautious when working in and around grain bins.
“This week is dedicated to raising awareness of hazards and safe work practices to reduce the number of accidents associated with grain handling and storage,” Joyce said. “I urge farmers to slow down and be safe to prevent a tragedy.”
Joyce says moving grain acts like quicksand and a worker standing on moving grain can be trapped within just five seconds and completely covered in grain in less than half a minute.
Three of the most common scenarios leading to grain entrapment include:
While workers should avoid entering grain bins if possible, safety measures can greatly diminish the risk if they must enter. Workers entering a grain bin wear a body harness attached to a lifeline, and an observer should be stationed outside the bin to track the worker and call for help if something goes wrong.
Joyce suggests farm workers attend regular safety trainings as a reminder to utilize best practices while working in and around grain bins. Online training resources are also available from the Grain and Feed Association of Illinois, the Grain and Safety Council, and the University of Illinois Extension.
CHICAGO HEIGHTS – As carjackings continue to rise across the south suburbs, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) joined religious and community leaders at a press conference Friday to gather community input to find a solution for the escalating problem.
Joyce and other local elected officials stood with the Community Action Network, Chicago Heights Chief of Police Thomas Rogers, and clergy members from the International Pentecostal Assembly Ecumenical at the press conference to advocate for the establishment of a new alert system that will focus on carjacking safety.
“I was first approached by Chief Apostle McCoy several weeks ago, who explained that one of his bishops, Dr. Billy Drain, had an idea that could help bring an end to this growing epidemic affecting our communities,” Joyce said.
Bishop Drain’s idea involves the creation of an early warning system like the AMBER Alert System, which he has named the DWAIN Alert System in memory of former Chicago firefighter Lieutenant Dwain Williams, who was killed during a carjacking in December of 2020. Bishop Drain hopes an alert system would encourage community members to look out for their friends and neighbors, helping law enforcement locate perpetrators and secure justice for victims.
“I am ready to lend my full support to these efforts,” Joyce said. “If a door needs to be opened for a conversation, if a state agency needs to be more involved in youth development through activities, mentoring, or internships, I will do my best to help.”
Joyce intends to work with these advocates and continue discussing possible methods to decrease the incidence of carjackings, including a tip hotline that community members can call to help law enforcement gather information on carjackings, as well as what infrastructure it would take to establish Bishop Drain’s proposed DWAIN Alert System.
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